I don’t update as often as I’d like because sometimes it feels like I have nothing to say. Or there’s too much on my writing to-do list.
I would just like to say that I am creating something. Or helping others to create. A lot of the time I feel like the “somethings” are excuses, or procrastination from doing the real something. Still, at least there’s something to show for it. I’m still struggling to figure out why I’ve stopped writing like I should. I think I just need to start again, even if it’s only 5 minutes a day, where I just get into the daily habit of OPENING THE WORD DOCUMENT. That’s how it’s done. Doing the doing even when I don’t feel like it. It’s true with anything. I just have to show up.
When writing hurts, it goes deep into the core of who I am. I know I have to nurture myself. Take some time, hours, or days (but not too long) to rest my mind from the tiring work of creating. Go for walk around my yard, sit outside, and watch the butterflies come to the new garden I built for them, and breathe fresh air. I try and read someone who inspires me, Ursula LeGuin ,Madeline L’engle, Mary Oliver and Maya Angelou.
Then finally, I try and reconnect with other writers who are actively working. Also asking someone to hold me accountable so I can get back to the task. Knowing I will have to explain myself if I haven’t written anything often motivates me to get on with it. Whether I feel like it or not.
Whenever I sit down to write, the urge comes from something felt, heard, or seen. The travails of a mind which thinks, feels, and reacts are only understood by the initiated events. When the words are flowing, when the chapter or story comes together, it is amazing.
Would love to have comments, conversations, readers and reviewers!!